Just me

Just me

Saturday, June 2, 2012

A Girl's Best Friend.

Everyone says, that a girl's best friend is chocolate. This has become the stereotype. But, while I do love some chocolate once in a while, for me... my best friends (that are objects) are books and candy :). Once a month, for two days, the cramps are ever present. I do take medicine, but sometimes it doesn't work. So, someone reads out loud or I read a book, to help my body relax around the pain and to take my mind off it. Because, after the pain has subsided (because the pill is finally working), I fall asleep. I sleep because, my body is tired after the ordeal it's just been through. And then my dreams are then filled with wonderful dreams, instead of nightmares of pain. The candy comes in, when I'm feeling sad or down, I don't go for chocolate, I go for candy. It's delicious and sweet. I absolutely LOVE it. Plus, I have cravings for sweet things often, so I turn to candy. While chocolate can be sweet, it just isn't the same thing. That is why these two things are MY best friends. :)

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