Just me

Just me

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Twas the Night Before School

Twas the night before school, and all through the house, My siblings and I are frantically getting ready for the first day of school. The house is full of excited nerves. We still can't believe we are going back. My brother and I can't believe we are going to be 10th graders. Claire can't believe she is going to be an 8th grader. All of us can't believe school at all tomorrow... like it's just going to be another lazy summer day. Everyone is excited and scared. I myself am quite excited... but I have to keep reminding myself that Emilie will not be there with me. It's one of the things that is frightening me the most. I won't be able to receive her warm hug. But, i feel braver somehow today. I feel like, I'm going to survive. Of course I don't know this, but I'm hopeful. The thing with Hope is... it can be like an angle or a demon. When it's an angle, Hope brings ones spirits up and then delivers, giving the person a beautiful on-look on life. Then again, sometimes you have Hope, just to be torn down and crushed, giving a desolate on-look on life. The key is not to get your hopes up too high. I know first hand how hard this is... but, I am determined not to get my hopes up :) I know in my heart that I will survive on way or another.

Now, I must go. I am in the middle of a ritual my sister and I have. Every year before the first day of school, my sister comes into my room and we talk and do our nails and listen to music. She say "She is a super sexy unicorn-lover badass" G'night, and wish me luck for tomorrow :)

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